We hire by shallow skills. I don’t know why, but yes we do. Get over it.

Over the years I have been following up closely, hiring, and directly interviewing candidates in many sectors related to technology: financial engineering, computational trading, software engineering, hardware engineering, biotech, academia, you name it. Not that I actively and intentionally follow hiring, as a recruiter, or anything along those lines, but it is just a side […]

No Test Kits Required: Testing Patients for COVID-19 Using Data

We are right in the middle of a big mess right now. The world economy crashing, famine, chaos. Our leaders going from hoax to chokes in days. No leading, no directions, no plans, no way out at this point. Many of us fighting on the front lines of healthcare, and most of us just watching, […]

LPOCS are bad for you.

LPOCS are bad for the environment. LPOCS are bad for the economy and are bad for the world.

I would not go as far as saying they should be labeled a crime and banned for the simple reason that they fulfill an important economic role. I would, however, go as far as saying that LPOCS are a walking and breathing paradox in any capitalistic society.

LPOCS serve as some kind of filter, similar to The Great Filter in the Fermi Paradox, but in a much smaller scale, applying to organizations instead of civilizations. Some organizations grow and grow, to a point in which they develop practices that start draining resources, killing collaboration and creativity.

People leave, and soon, value follows. It happens fast.

If you stand up above your cubicle and all you see is LPOCS, you should think about brushing up your resume.

#leadership #crowds #crowd-science #technology